Space Invaders, developed by Tomohiro Nishikado in 1978, is a groundbreaking shoot ’em up arcade game that set the standard for the genre. The objective of the game is to eliminate waves of descending aliens using a horizontally-moving laser, accumulating as many points as possible in the process.
As one of the most influential video games in history, Space Invaders helped transform the gaming industry from a novelty into a worldwide phenomenon, paving the way for the golden age of arcade video games. Its impact is evident in the countless games and game designers it inspired across various genres, as well as the numerous ports and re-releases it has seen over the years.
The Atari VCS (later renamed the Atari 2600) version of Space Invaders, released in 1980, became the first killer app for video game consoles, driving a fourfold increase in VCS sales. The game’s iconic pixelated alien enemy has since become a symbol of video gaming culture, often representing the entire medium.
Space Invaders’ enduring legacy is a testament to its innovative gameplay, memorable design, and significant role in shaping the future of the video game industry.
(source: Wikipedia)