“Atari 2600 Atlantis II,” a special contest edition of “Atlantis,” features accelerated gameplay and a modified scoring system compared to the original. In this version, points for destroying enemy ships are significantly reduced. The game’s premise involves defending the city of Atlantis from the malevolent Gorgon spaceships. This edition was distributed to top scorers in the “Defend Atlantis” competition, addressing the issue of many players achieving maximum scores in the original “Atlantis.” Recipients of this cartridge were then narrowed down to four finalists, who were invited to Bermuda for the concluding round. The winner of this final contest received a prize of $10,000. Visually identical to “Atlantis,” the “Atlantis II” game can be identified by a sticker labeled “Atlantis II” on the box’s front. The identity of the competition’s winner remains unknown.
Atlantis II
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