Released for the Atari 2600 in 1983, “Crackpots” is a game where players step into the shoes of Potsy, a dedicated gardener in Brooklyn. In this game, Potsy’s building is under siege by an army of bugs attempting to infiltrate through six windows. The player’s objective is to guide Potsy along the rooftop, strategically dropping pots on the ascending bugs to prevent them from reaching the windows.
Gameplay Details
In “Crackpots,” each gameplay session is divided into levels, with each level comprising four waves of twelve bugs. Players must successfully eliminate all four waves to progress to the next level, which introduces a higher degree of challenge and a faster pace. The game continues until the building ultimately succumbs and collapses. Should six or more bugs breach the windows and enter the building, part of the structure will be lost, and the player will be required to repeat the current level. The game features bugs of different colors, each with its unique pattern of movement: black bugs advance straight upward, blue bugs oscillate left and right, red bugs take a diagonal path, and green bugs execute a zig-zag motion between windows, adding variety and challenge to the gameplay.