
Play Atari 2600 Cubicolor online


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About Atari 2600 Cubicolor

CubiColor is an unreleased Atari 2600 game developed by Rob Fulop. It is a puzzle game inspired by sliding tile puzzles. In CubiColor, the goal is to move the tiles around in the larger grid until the middle 3×3 tiles match the pattern displayed on the left and right sides of the screen.

There are three game variants on this cartridge. Game #1 is for one player, while Games 2 and 3 are designed for two players. The difference between Games 2 and 3 is not known. To select a game, use the “Game Select” switch on the Atari 2600 console.

To move tiles, use the joystick to position the blinking cursor over the tile you want to move. Hold down the trigger button and push the joystick in the direction you want the tile to move. After moving the tile, release the trigger button and center the joystick.

Both players in two-player mode must match the same pattern, which is displayed in two places. The purpose of having the pattern displayed twice is unclear. The scoring rules for CubiColor are not known, but it is likely based on the number of moves required to match the pattern. There doesn’t appear to be a timer or any indication of time passing, so it is assumed that the time taken to complete the puzzle does not affect the score.

It is important to note that CubiColor was never officially released, and the available information may not represent the final intended gameplay experience.

Cubicolor Atari 2600 game facts

GAME TITLE: Cubicolor

PLATFORM: Atari 2600

GAME ORIGIN: 3rd party





GAME GENRE: Strategy


