Street Racer, also known as Speedway II in its Sears release, was one of the two launch titles for the Atari 2600, along with Air-Sea Battle. Developed by Larry Kaplan, Street Racer offered a total of 27 game variations, providing players with a diverse gaming experience. The game was divided into six sub-games: Each sub-game … Read more
Stunt Cycle was one of Atari’s first non-Pong standalone consoles. In 1980 Atari decided that Stunt Cycle would make a great Atari 2600 game, so programmer Bob Polaro was asked to do the conversion. Using the Paddle Controllers to simulate the original consoles bike grips, Polaro made a near perfect port of the standalone console. … Read more
Surfer’s Paradise is a game that challenges players to stay on top of a wave for as long as possible while avoiding obstacles and enemies. The game has two distinct parts: surfing and underwater exploration. In the surfing sequence, players must balance on their surfboard and ride the wave. Periodically, a shark will approach, and … Read more