
Gravitar is a color vector graphics arcade game released by Atari in 1982. It has the same game mechanic as Asteroids and Space Duel but the game difficulty is much higher. Atari 2600 version was released in 1983. Gravitar gameplay The player controls a small blue spacecraft. The game starts in a fictional solar system … Read more

Frog Pond

Unreleased prototype game included in Atari Flashback 2


Licensed by Namco Galaxian Game Instruction Manual GALAXIAN: NOTES FROM THE COMMANDER Welcome aboard the missile laser base. I’m Commander Champion, your training instructor. These laser bases are used to protect our Universe from alien attack. Each laser base carries missiles which you’ll launch from your control panel. In your first training mission, you’ll be … Read more

Fatal Run (Europe)

PAL-only release; developed by Sculptured Software. You can read more about this game in the US version of Fatal Run.

Dukes of Hazzard

Dukes of Hazzard is not really a prototype. The game was actually burned onto regular ROM chips that were just about to be put into carts and shipped when Atari abruptly decided to cancel the game. According to the programmer Mark Hahn the game was still being worked on, so it is a mystery as … Read more


Based off the 1984 movie, Dune was to be an action/adventure game along the same lines as the classic VCS game Adventure. Dune was originally started by programmers Bruce Poehlman and Gary Stark, but they had only gone through the brainstorming process when work was stopped. It appears that another programmer may have been assigned … Read more

E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial

Atari 2600 E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial considered the worst video game of all time and cause of β€œThe Video Game Crash of 1983” In the Atari 2600 game the players control the alien E.T. from a top-down perspective. The objective is to collect three pieces of an interplanetary telephone. The pieces are found scattered randomly throughout … Read more

Elevator Action

This is prototype. It appears to be almost complete, but still needs some work to be a finished Atari 2600 game. An August 1984 internal memo states it was 85% done with 8 more weeks needed, although the onscreen copyright date is 1983.(source:

Elk Attack

This is prototype. Elk Attack is a port of the obscure Taito arcade game Electric Yo-Yo! (source: