Summer Games

Summer Games is a sports video game that allows up to eight players to compete in a series of summer-themed Olympic events. Players can represent different countries and take turns participating in various events to determine who will win the gold medal. The game offers the option to compete in all events sequentially, choose a … Read more

Surfer’s Paradise: But Danger Below!

Surfer’s Paradise is a game that challenges players to stay on top of a wave for as long as possible while avoiding obstacles and enemies. The game has two distinct parts: surfing and underwater exploration. In the surfing sequence, players must balance on their surfboard and ride the wave. Periodically, a shark will approach, and … Read more

Surf’s Up

Surf’s Up was never completely finished and sold in stores.


Starmaster is s similar to Atari 8-bit family game Star Raiders. The game never ported to other consoles. Starmaster gameplay The opening jingle of Starmaster features Also Sprach Zarathustra, which was used as the theme for 2001: A Space Odyssey. The player pilots a starfighter, with the purpose of destroying a number of enemy ships … Read more

Strawberry Shortcake: Musical Match-ups

Strawberry Shortcake: Musical Match-Ups, released in 1983, is a puzzle video game for the Atari 2600, developed and published by Parker Brothers. Players are challenged to reassemble scrambled Strawberryland characters within a specified time limit, as indicated by Mr. Sun moving eastward at the top of the screen. When a character is correctly pieced together, … Read more