
Steeplechase is a sports video game launched in arcades in 1975 by Atari. This multiplayer game allows up to six players to compete against one another, each selecting a horse, while the computer manages the seventh horse at the bottom. As the horses begin to gallop, players must clear obstacles in their respective lanes by … Read more


The game is called “Steeplechase” and can accommodate up to six players who compete against each other by choosing a horse each, while the computer controls the seventh horse at the bottom. The game begins with all horses galloping and players must jump over obstacles in their respective lanes by pressing their colored buttons. The … Read more

Skate Boardin’: A Radical Adventure

In Skate Boardin’: A Radical Adventure for Atari 2600, players are tasked with finding and successfully executing thirty hidden tricks using ramps and pipes, all within a five-minute time limit. To save time, players can “skitch” on the back of moving vehicles. Pressing the fire button causes the player to jump, which is necessary for … Read more


Skiing is a single-player Atari 2600 game that simulates the experience of skiing downhill or through a slalom course. The player uses the joystick to control the speed and direction of a skier at the top of the screen, while the background graphics scroll upwards to create the illusion of the skier moving downhill. Players … Read more

RealSports Football

RealSports Football, a 1982 American football video game for the Atari 2600, features 15-minute games played on a standard 100-yard field. Each team has five players, with no kickoffs. On offense, there’s a quarterback, a flanker, and three linemen (center and two guards), with the user controlling the ball carrier. The defensive team consists of … Read more

RealSports Soccer

RealSports Soccer for the Atari 2600 is a simplified version of soccer, featuring only three players a side and no human-controlled goalkeeper. The gameplay scrolls horizontally over a play area roughly three screens wide, providing a wider view of the field compared to other games of its time. During play, the human player controls the … Read more

RealSports Volleyball

RealSports Volleyball is a sports video game for the Atari 2600, released in 1982 as part of Atari’s RealSports series. The game features a two-dimensional representation of beach volleyball and can be played in both single-player and two-player modes. In RealSports Volleyball, players control a team of two volleyball players on a sandy beach court. … Read more

RealSports Baseball

RealSports Baseball is a 1982 sports video game developed initially for the Atari 2600 platform. This game improved upon Atari’s earlier baseball-themed game, Home Run, by incorporating a baseball diamond, fly-balls, fielders throwing the ball to tag opposing players out, and other traditional features of baseball. In RealSports Baseball, players can use the joystick to … Read more